
Auto Edge Banding Machine Daily Maintenance Precautions

1. Regular cleaning: First of all, it is necessary to clean up the wood chips and various wood debris generated in the production process of the Auto Edge Banding Machine to prevent the machine from being stuck due to the accumulation of wood, which affects the regular use of the Auto Edge Banding Machine. Secondly, it is necessary to clean up some of the surfaces of the machine in time. Stains keep the Auto Edge Banding Machine clean and tidy and also prevent harmful substances from causing corrosion damage to the surface of the Auto Edge Banding Machine.

2. Lubricate the Auto Edge Banding Machine regularly: Lubricate the bearings of each part of the Auto Edge Banding Machine with lubricating oil regularly, and select appropriate lubricating oil. Otherwise, it will also affect the regular use of the Auto Edge Banding Machine.
3. Regular inspection: Regularly inspect and maintain the Auto Edge Banding Machine. During the maintenance process, carefully check some wear conditions of the Auto Edge Banding Machines gears, bearings, and other parts, and replace the severely worn parts in time.

4. Auto Edge Banding Machine computer system maintenance: Todays Auto Edge Banding Machine is generally connected to a computer to realize the automatic operation of computer programming. If there is a problem with the computer system, it will affect the regular use of the machine.

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