
Machining Advantages of CNC Door Four Edges Saw

The CNC Door Four Edges Saw generally applies to the following areas and can quickly complete the regular processing of painted doors, solid wood composite doors, rubber wood doors, and ecological wood doors. CNC Door Four Edges Saw can generally be flexible and customized according to the factorys actual processing mode. The door panel can be formed at once, quickly improving production efficiency and effectively reducing labor costs.

CNC Door Four Edges Saw is highly intelligent and can be processed automatically. Once the parameter settings are completed, the CNC Door Four Edges Saw will automatically process the workpiece. The whole process is automated, and no manual intervention is required.
CNC Door Four Edges Saw uses computer touch screen operation, modular storage method, can be operated in 10 minutes, does not select people for positions, and intelligent processing. To make the operation more convenient and user-friendly, the machine can be used alone or according to production needs Connecting, thereby significantly reducing the cost of enterprise employment.

CNC Door Four Edges Saw has high processing efficiency. The processing speed is hundreds of times that of the push table saw, the wooden door is tens of seconds each, and more than 400 wooden doors can be processed in 1 day and 8 hours, which significantly improves the production efficiency of the wooden door industry.

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Falit Machinery Co.,Ltd.

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